Saturday, 12 December 2015

My Pets

Although this blog is obviously based around my beautiful guinea pig - Toffee. I do have other pets who are so great and I would just like to do a little post to credit them for being great pets...

Tigger and Frodo

Both of them looking grumpy for some reason haha :)

These are two brothers that a while back we sort of adopted...or should I say they adopted us. Their previous owner had a baby daughter so they left and came to our back door a few years ago - Tigger came first then Frodo followed. 

Tigger is a typical tabby with tiger strips down his back, hence his name (although we didn't actually name either of them). He is quite grumpy and loves to sleep and eat, but he absolutely loves cuddles so he will squish his way in to get a cuddle from you - he does get jealous if you cuddle his brother though.

 Frodo is all black with a little white blob on his tail. I'm not sure what kind of cat he is but he is so cuddly and will always want cuddles, whatever you are doing - even if it involves sitting on the keys of your laptop, on any sheet of paper you are using, or in any box. Frodo is quite jumpy so you still have to be quite careful around him, but if any unknown cat comes into the garden then he gets really protective and will try to fight them!


Lucky when she was snoring on her favourite blanket
Lucky was the best cat ever! I don't want to seem that I am being mean to Tigger and Frodo, but Lucky was the first cat that I ever had so I grew up with her and she was the only one who ever felt like she truly belonged to us. She was so sweet, small, calm and she loved cuddles - especially when she was laid like a baby in someone's arms. Unfortunately, on August 14th 2013, Lucky passed away at the age of 20, which I guess was a good age because of the predicted age of cats but I miss her every day because, like most people and their pets, I wish she could have lived forever! Her and Toffee were also best friends because Lucky would walk up to Toffee's cage and lick her face, then Toffee would lick her face!


We liked to think that Midi was Toffee's sister, even though she was much smaller and looked completely different! Toffee and Midnight got on really well, even if there was the odd bit of arguing between them over some treats and vegetables!
Unfortunately, at only around 18 months, Midi had to be put to sleep because of a stomach issue that meant that she could eat but couldn't actually get rid of her waste. She could have had an operation but she was so small that we just didn't want to have to put her through it. I hadn't really get to know her very well as she was also my sister's guinea pig, but she was so sweet and will be missed a lot!

Thank you for looking at my pets, to find out more about Tof then please check out the Meet Toffee post! Happy Christmas and New Year!

Miss Issippi

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