Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Other Pets With Piggies

Wow! I can't believe it has been almost 2 wheeks since I last posted! I'm back at school now so I don't have as much time but I'm going to start posting again.

Anyway, for piggies, other (and larger) pets can be a problem and have the potential to harm them. I've never had this issue with my pets because Lucky was getting quite old when we got the piggies and she used to love Toffee, she would walk up to lick her nose then Toffee would return the favour! As for Tigger and Frodo, well Tigger basically just can't be bothered see what she is and Frodo is scared of her so I've never really had any problem with them.

If you do have a larger pet such as cat or a dog then you will need to take a few precautions:

  • Make sure your piggies are separate to the other pets so that they can't get to them. (Have a lid on the cage & keep it on a raised surface).
  • When exercising your piggies, make sure the larger animals have no access to them.
  • If you would like to introduce an animal, do it from a distance with you there. 
Pets are great but sometimes they don't mix too well...

Thanks for reading everyone. Please like, follow me on Google+, subscribe to emails, and comment!

Miss Issippi

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